Wednesday, November 19, 2014

E-TIDBIT OF THE DAY: The thank you note

THE THANK YOU NOTE in American culture is extremely important. Whenever you receive a gift from an American it is customary to send a thank you note to the giver. This applies to Americans in or outside of the United States...wherever you find them.

If you fail to send a thank you note after receiving a gift, Americans will think you didn't like it, or that you didn't appreciate it, or that you took the gift and gesture for granted. You might get a gift for your birthday, wedding anniversary, wedding, graduation, or for any occasion.

You may never get a gift or present again from that friend or colleague, if you don't send a thank you note. It may sound like we are an overly sensitive bunch, but that's our cultural tradition: to say thank you via the thank you note where gift-giving is concerned.

It is a good idea to send a thank you note even after a stay overnight or eating a meal in an American home having received an invitation, that is, after you have eaten the meal and gone. But, not immediately after. You can wait a couple of days and then send it by mail, or email, or from an e-card site, or make one yourself and send it!
The thank you note is usually very simple (not notes for children). It may only have the words "THANK YOU!" on the front and nothing inside, so you can write any additional words yourself.

The thank you note is considered an ideal way to show your appreciation for the gift, kind thoughts behind such a gesture or just for your participation in an event. It also saves you time calling on the phone to thank your friend, colleague or relative.

So, you can buy a packet of thank you notes and keep it in your study, den, workplace or in a drawer in the kitchen or bedroom. This way you are ready for any occasion when you might get a nice little (or big) surprise and can send a thank you note off the very next day if you want!

Even if the gift-giver hands you the gift personally and you thank them verbally, you can still send them a thank you note! You cannot overdo thanking Americans (see post on Thank you).

Making this a practice will build relationships. Thank you notes are a great way to win friends and maintain relationships, whether they be casual or business. Your American friends will love you for it and think you are really into the their culture!

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